Father, Help me! I need You


Give me Your Wisdom

I need Your Wisdom

Give me Strength

Give me Mercy and Grace


My loyalties are to you

And You alone

Not this world


Help me, Father!

Or I will forget

Turing back to my wicked ways

The flesh desires it so

Help me, Father!


Give me Your Wisdom

I need Your Wisdom

Give me Strength

Give me Mercy and Grace


Teach me, Father

Reveal Your Word

Revel Your Will


Give me an Eager Heart

To learn Your Word

To hear Your Voice


Help me to listen

Give me hearing ears to hear

Help me to see

Give vision to my eyes


My desires are for You

And You along

But my sinful nature does not

As it desires to serve this world

But the world only give death as its reward


Father. Help me!

Open my eyes to see Truth

Open my ears to hear Truth


Give me Wisdom

Give me Strength

Give me Mercy and Grace


Without You, I’m good as dead

Doom with the world

Without hope

Wounding blind in the darkness

Not knowing what I’m doing

Nor caring so


You are Everything

You are my Strength

You are my Teacher


You are Wisdom

You are Grace

You are Love


Father, Help me!

My Faith is in You

You will never fall me


Give me Your Wisdom

I need Your Wisdom

Give me Strength

Give me Mercy and Grace


Father, Help me! I need You



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